(226) 225-1986 info@conetiq.com

Product Development Process

Taking a spark of an idea to a design ready for mass production.

Our process through concept generation, industrial design, mechanical design, prototyping and manufacturing.

From idea to Production

Conetiq’s Product Design Process

The product development process is a series of steps designed to take your idea from concept to reality. We understand that clients have diverse requirements during this process and we will work with you to build a plan that works best for your project goals.

Discovery & Scope

  • Design Criteria Initial
  • Research & Development
  • Determine Core Functionality
  • Assess Technical Aspects and Key Features
  • Review Project Constraints
  • Develop the Concept
  • Concept Sketches
  • Commencing Iterative Design Process
  • Signed Proposal
  • Approved Concept
  • Sketches
Key Deliverables


    • Project Proposal
    • Concept Sketches

Design & Engineering


Develop 3-D Model Finalizing Iterative Design Process Review for Production Efficiencies

Validate for:

    • Design Intent
    • Aesthetics
    • Functionality
    • Manufacturing and assembly
  • Review Technical Documentation for Minor Revisions
  • Pre-Prototype Sign-off
Key Deliverables
  • Technical Documentation 



Creation of Functional Prototype

Validate for:

    • Safety
    • Mathematically
    • Precision
    • Functional Test
    • Review, Revisions and Approval
  • Review Technical Documentation for Minor Revisions
  • Pre-Prototype Sign-off
Key Deliverables

  • Near Production Quality Sample(s) Fabricated

Validation & Testing

  • Fine-Tune Design
  • Identify Any Complications or Flaws Prior to Production
  • Final Revisions
  • Final Review of Initial Concept and Design Intent
  • Final Project Review
  • Project Completion Sign-off
Key Deliverables

  • 3-D Model for Manufacturing/ Production Parts

Sign-off & Production

  • Prepare Final Technical Documentation
  • Work to Align with Industry Partners for Manufacturing
  • Project Sign-off
Key Deliverables

  • Final Technical Documentation

Start Developing

Let us start developing your product or idea.

For more information on idea development, our process or how we can bring your project to the next level please contact us.

Ready to start your project?