(226) 225-1986 info@conetiq.com

Product Design Services

Mechanical Design

Technically accurate and functional designs.

Industrial Design

Aesthetic and easy-to-use products.

Prototyping and Manufacturing

Bringing your idea or design to life.

Est. 2011

Collectively Achieving Innovation

Do you have a vision for a new or reimagined product? Do you have a problem that requires a creative solution? Do you want to bring your idea to life?

Conetiq’s experienced team of Industrial and Mechanical designers can support you in achieving your results. 

We understand that clients have diverse requirements, and we will partner with you to build a plan that works best for your project goals.

Industrial Design

Our Industrial designers create the aesthetic appeal and concepts for manufactured products. They add distinct features that appeal to the eye and catch the customers attention giving you the competitive edge over your competition.

Mechanical Design

Our mechanical designers create the technical detail and design validation to create the framework required for a functional product. They are always looking for things like production efficiencies and ways to push the envelope of the current design.

Prototyping & Manufacturing

Once a design is in place, we can create a functional prototype using multiple fabrication processes. This stage in the product development process is used to validate form and function as well as plan for future production.

Start Developing

Let us start developing your product or idea.

For more information on idea development, our process or how we can bring your project to the next level please contact us.

Ready to start your project?